Sep 23Liked by Shahid Buttar

Re: the 45-day Al-Jazeera shutdown, it’s so gross and blatantly obvious to anyone paying attention that those 45 days take us juuust past the November election 🤮

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Thank you Shahid. Your cogent intelligent analysis causes me to so wish you could have relieved Queen Emeritus of her post so a voice of reason and life, rather than self-interested egotism leading to death and destruction, could represent the Bay Area.

As to your question: Israel will stop only when US stops supplying weapons, money and cover. But how to influence USA to impose those restraints. Especially when Congress and the Executive branch appear controlled by israeli and weapons-industry largess, or blackmail-extortion as through Blinken-Epstein-Maxwell connections. And it’s doubtful as to who is actually calling shots now with Joe’s deteriorating condition. Clearly international humanitarian law is being ignored as is the vote of most of the states of the world for ceasefire and the orders of the ICJ. As long as the USA has veto in the Security Council, the UN seems impotent.

I think there is something called the “uniting for peace resolution” that can be brought by the general assembly, enabling the world community to override the Security Council. We seem to be at that point where something must be done to halt the insane rush to annihilation these latest terrorist acts are provoking.

They may be able to remove or otherwise inhibit by united action the threatening conduct of USA-Israel by divest, boycott and sanctions. But it’s about fire power, isn’t it?

, Of course, US is linked up with NATO, which is ever expanding into Asia, tying up their power with Australia and the Philippines and Japan and Taiwan.

Who who will challenge the Empire?

So it’s clear this rambling grandmother wringing her hands doesn’t know what to do to influence America to end the madness and bring peace. I look forward to your post.

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It's so obvious you would rather see millions of Jews die ...so ur all butt hurt over the fact that Israel keeps outsmarting all of you and that she won't bow to your radical islamic urges. Too bad. All they have to do is return the hostages and the war would have been over.

Even now, Hamas has refused terms because they want to keep smuggling weapons through Egyptian tunnels. Pathetic.

I hope Israel LEVELS Lebanon and all of her Jew hating , rabid neighbors who have ruined the futures for their children. It's so immature and weird.

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We can at least agree on the last sentence of your comment.

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Not surprising that you wouldn't agree that it the hostages should be returned and the war would be over.

Also interesting that you'll gloss over the fact that Hamas has refused the latest ceasefire.

But all that goes against your propaganda right now.

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