Cornel West? 😂 He’s a buffoonish side show who ran a terribly disorganized campaign that’s in line with his messy personal life. He’s an empty sack coat who speaks in riddles. The far left lives in such a bubble that the can’t see what a ridiculous character he is.

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“As a debater, [Harris dominated Trump]. As a presidential candidate, she showed why so many warmongering Republicans have been so eager to support her.”

- Caitlin Johnstone

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Yes, she's one of them, backing "the strongest most lethal military on earth." And demonizing immigrants (most applying for asylum because of the destruction we've caused in their home Countries. She and Trump are both paid puppets of the multinational oil companies, banks, AIPAC and the military industrial complex. She should never have accepted Dick Cheney's, Gonzales (torture guy) endorsements, and multiple others - but that says it all.

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I think you got it backwards when you are talking about the previous 75 yrs between Israel and Hamas and the PLO.

Your right there is 75 years of repeated attack after attack towards Israel, and you know thats true. Bus bombings after bus bombings in tel aviv, attacks against the country with missles, thousands of them.

If you won your race against Pelosi, and California was hit by missles every single day from Mexico, would you still be talking about peace? What a sham. you know your lying and mis-representing 75 yrs of factual history. Thats something that most muslims seem to do.

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Racket News comment section is more suited your racism and Islamophobia.

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